Identify community member’s needs

July 25, 2023
AlessandroMaanya GovilAdeesh A RathodJessica
Time Spent

Community needs and wants

  • Vegetables and fruits, flowers as well
  • Shared equipment
  • Compost
  • Locally sourced supplies
  • Doesn’t harm the environment
  • Supports local restaurants
  • Connects to nature
  • Water tank
  • Natural fertilizers
  • Well maintained
  • Community-centric

Benefits of Community Gardens:

  • Health
    • people who joined a community garden ate 1.4 more times per day more fruits and vegetables than those who did not participate and were 3.5 times more likely to eat the recommended 5 servings of vegetables per day (Source.)

Meeting agenda:

  • How interviews went
  • Main findings
    1. Maanya:

      • Interviewed people in dorm + surveys
      • Composting program (+1 Adeesh)
      • Indoor component
      • Flowers, nice vibes (+1 Adeesh)
      • Communication about program
        • Biggest community garden - no marketing for existing gardens


    2. General attitudes
    3. Younger people more interested
    4. Adeesh:

    5. Needs to have a social aspect, community centric! Sustainable initiatives

people who joined a community garden ate 1.4 more times per day more fruits and vegetables than those who did not participate and were 3.5 times more likely to eat the recommended 5 servings of vegetables per day.

  • Maanya’s Google Docs - findings
    • Garden
    • Market
    • Indoors/outdoors
    • Technological aspects
    • Distribute crops?
      • Open to other farmers?
      • Only for volunteers?
      • First come first serve?
      • Local charities
      • Include more interaction with community
  • Adeesh:
    • Have a consistent branding, structure
    • Garden different based on weather - rainy/drier climate
      • Greenhouses? Solar panels?
    • Indoors - more controlled, can do all year
    • Outdoors - seasonal, flowers! open nature!
  • What can we identify as our community’s needs and wants?


  • Community’s needs
    • Activities
    • New entries
      • Exploring the gardens - tours
      • Carrots

Stanford Education Farm

  • Berry picking
  • Own flowers <333333
    • Edible flowers
  • Composite Character Profiles (create together)
    • Which one do we want to focus on?

Actionable items:

Research (finish before Wednesday class - to discuss during class)

  • Potential problems
  • Competitor analysis
  • Gaps in current approaches
  • Opportunity areas