Design Project 1 | Testing Round 2 Notes

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Testing Session 2

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?

Feature 1

  • The same effect occurred, everyone either sorted the unlabeled cup into the wrong trash can, or took a second to think before placing it into the correct trash can.
    • This again supports the fact that a labeled cup helps with trash separation

Feature 2

I created a physical prototype for the gardening feature. I observed that some users focused on the name placard, which may be a positive sign that they are interested.

  • However, the flower had an odd shape, most of them took some time before understand that it was a flower.

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?

Feature 1

  • This time, I also focused on asking them whether they liked the little notes on the cups, all of the responses were positive, one even mentioned that it was quite unique.

Feature 2

  • All of them liked the idea of a placard, because it would make them feel as if they were included in creating a sustainable environment for the compound.