Team Mini Proposal

Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Mini Proposal

Share Your Team’s Mini-Proposal | Due TONIGHT at 11:59 PM

  • What is the problem you’ve defined?
    • Who, What, Why, Where, and When? — POV statement
  • What is the focus of your design thinking?
  • Synthesize a SINGLE, UNIFIED vision
  • Share your initial vision through some preliminary sketches (annotated graphics)
    • Where will it be located?
    • What will the form be?
    • What are the key features you’ll be exploring?

The year 2050 presents a unique challenge of overpopulation in urban areas.  As cities become more crowded, it is crucial to address this issue by designing sustainable living spaces that accommodate the growing population while having a net positive environmental impact.  We aim to explore the concept of a futuristic apartment within an advanced apartment building, focusing on sustainable design principles and technologies.  The project will explore innovative technologies for apartments, such as space optimization, renewable energy sources, and sustainable practices to create a living space that accommodates the growing population and has a positive impact on the environment.