1. Team Mini Proposal

1. Team Mini Proposal

Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Mini Proposal

Old version draft


A home for young couples to co-live and prepare for parenthood in a sustainable, creative, and couple-centric environment, fostering connection and growth.

Who: Young Couples

What: in Apartments / Flat Rising Buildings

Where: In urban dense city population

  • Examples: High-rises in a city center, like Singapore, New York, Hong Kong where housing is more packed and dense

Why: In 2050, Young couples in dense city population have little to no birth rates

Vision: we envision to create a home for young couples in dense city populations where they suffer from low birth, preparing them for parenthood

while addressing their unique challenges and needs.

Design Thinking Focus: The focus of our design thinking is on creativity, sustainability, feasibility, and being couple-centric.


Initial Draft thoughts:

Resources on problem:

https://www.psypost.org/2021/10/new-study-helps-explain-why-increasing-population-densities-are-linked-to-decreasing-fertility-rates-61970#:~:text=According to research in press,associated with decreasing fertility rates.