3 CCP’s

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Composite Character Profiles

Bussin Beatrice (35)

She works as a finance director for a local company working on a products in the community. She has finally saved up enough to go on a Europe getaway trip for 6 months, however her extended family has been bugging her for years to settle down and get married. She is a very articulate person, straightforward in the sense where she rather do it herself than to have someone else do it halfway. Keen on retiring early, she has also decided to work online while on her 6 month break.


Witty Warvian (18)

He has just been admitted into college majoring in business management, working to create a startup company that aims to help solve supercharger dilemmas in the Bay Area. His secret dream was to open up a pizza store that joint sells noodles in the basement, however his two older brothers made so much fun for it that he let that dream go. Sometimes he wants to run away from his ever growing problems within his new company by going on long runs. He is often forced to be extremely versatile in his skills because of the lack of manpower in his startup, most people finding him very witty.


Curious Claire (12)

She is in a state of life where the only thing she worries about is the crush in her 7th grade class. Her parents haven’t begun to get her to start studying nor where she has to be great at the sport she just started learning. Her classes are easy and her friends are friendly. She loves getting lost in her own thoughts, curious about how the universe works. Her parents have seen her interests and signed her up for a few classes on mathematics and physics.
