Jun 26, 2024 12:20 AM
Add a card with selfie photo and highlights-only bio-sketch (preview to design thinking yourself & feature list concept).
- A screenshot of this Notion card must be submitted in Canvas to get the bonus point. PDF, PNG or JPG are OK.
- 1 pt value from Staff Discretionary Pool if card screenshot is submitted by deadline.
- 0 pts if not submitted by due deadline.
Nice to meet you!
Enrico, digital strategy advisor & entrepreneur from Italy
Graduated in Marketing & Management, now running a digital marketing company
I love to play music, I’ve an addiction about collecting musical instruments and I play in a band, I toured Europe quite a few times with them
I love nature and outdoor sports, salmon, Aikido, cows and alpacas (not necessarily in this order)
I feel it’s time for me to move my job and my efforts towards more sustainable, meaningful and impactful ways of thinking.