My Biosketch Card - Adam Tang

Jun 26, 2024 6:20 AM
Add a card with selfie photo and highlights-only bio-sketch (preview to design thinking yourself & feature list concept).
  • A screenshot of this Notion card must be submitted in Canvas to get the bonus point. PDF, PNG or JPG are OK.
  • 1 pt value from Staff Discretionary Pool if card screenshot is submitted by deadline.
  • 0 pts if not submitted by due deadline.

Hi! I’m Adam and I’m a rising senior in high school, at Phillips Exeter Academy.

  • 16 years old
  • Passionate about sustainability and engineering/architecture and where they intersect
  • I play tennis, but unfortunately not enrolled in the tennis course here 😢
  • I’ve played the bassoon for 8 years
  • I’ve had eight pet ducklings and two pet crabs in the past (which I slightly regret)
    • Ducklings were named Quacker, Quia, Flapper, forgot the rest
    • Crabs were unnamed because they only survived two days
  • I enjoy watching anime, though I go through it usually in sporadic week-long phases
  • I have six allergies, see if you can name these —> 🥚, 🥜, 🌰, 🦐, 🟢, 🐈