My Biosketch Card - Warren Huang

Jun 26, 2024 5:38 PM

Hey everyone! My name is Warren Huang and I am from Austin, Texas.

I am a double major in economics and entrepreneurship and I am super interested in the intersection of sustainability and tech (which is why I am taking this class).

Some fun facts about me:

  1. Outside of school, I love to go on fun jogs, play table tennis, and watch movies with my friends.
  2. I have lived in Taiwan for over a decade of my life.
  3. I want to eventually go to law school post undergrad.

Feel free to reach out to me on my Instagram @warrenhuangg

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  • A screenshot of this Notion card must be submitted in Canvas to get the bonus point. PDF, PNG or JPG are OK.
  • 1 pt value from Staff Discretionary Pool if card screenshot is submitted by deadline.
  • 0 pts if not submitted by due deadline.