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Journal Entry For
Composite Character Profiles

Chill Chad

  • burns easily in the sun
  • hockey player
  • from Minnesota

Chad needs to stay indoors because his entire life before coming to Stanford his entire childhood was spent playing indoor sports in a notoriously cold state with little sunshine.


Worrisome Wendy

  • easily stressed
  • temperature sensitive
  • loves to knit on her couch

Wendy needs to remain relaxed preferably in cool environment because she perform best on exams when she is able to fully concentrate and the heat tends to stress her out.


Sweaty Scott

  • 70 year old Stanford professor
  • carries an umbrella to shield himself from the sun
  • wears a full wool suit everyday

Scott needs a well air conditioned classroom on the Quad because his suit is made out of wool, which makes him sweat a lot, and causes his wife to get upset over the high dry cleaning bill.
