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Journal Entry For
Part A - Observations Sketch & Project Ideas

I went to the bank yesterday and to my surprise, the line was super long. I grabbed my phone, ready to scroll through Instagram like usual. But this time, I decided to check out the people around me instead and observe my surroundings.

The line was full of older folks; there were not many young people like me. Maybe because it was a weekday and everyone else was busy with school and doing their stuff online. It hit me—maybe these folks weren't as comfy using computers for bank things.

Now I started thinking. Did the long line make it hard for them to get what they needed? Did the bank even have help for people who weren't good with computers? So I started thinking about how to make the wait more manageable and the engagement of the customer with the people working better, because for a couple of minutes I was lost, until a kind gentleman waking from there asked me why I was there. If he hadn’t been passing, would i be standing awkwardly and confused? Is everyone lost when they come to the bank ? If yes, why?

Addressing Confusion and Lost Feelings:

  • Clear Signage and Instructions: Provide clear signage within the bank that explains the different departments, services offered, and directions to access resources.
  • Welcome Desk or Greeter: Have a welcoming staff member at the entrance who can answer basic questions, direct customers to the appropriate areas, and offer assistance to those who seem lost.

Making the Wait More Manageable:

  • Estimated Wait Times: Integrate the online booking system with real-time wait time displays. This gives customers a better idea of how long they might be waiting and allows them to plan accordingly. This is because staff asked me to wait for an hour, and if i had known it would take this much time, I would have chosen another time to be there.
  • Entertainment Options: Seeing mostly older folks patiently waiting in the long bank line (unlike me wanting to scroll through my phone! ), I realized the wait might be harder for them. Maybe offering magazines, newspapers, or even some music could make the wait more bearable for everyone. Exploring options for digital entertainment on tablets or screens (powered by renewable energy sources) that don't require constant paper replacements.
  • Appointment Booking System: Implement an online or phone appointment system for complex transactions, allowing customers to schedule a specific time and avoid unnecessary waiting.

Engaging Customers During the Wait:

  • Progress Indicators: Implement a visual system (like a progress bar or numbered queue system) that shows customers how far they are in the line. This reduces anxiety and gives a sense of progress.

By implementing a combination of these ideas, the bank can create a more positive waiting experience for customers. It becomes less about passively enduring the wait and more about offering opportunities to be productive or engaged during the downtime. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also encourages them to explore self-service options that can save them time in the future.