Part B #2 - Preliminary/Working Problem Statement

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Part B - Preliminary Problem Statement


The bike racks are crowded with bikes, including broken/partially stolen ones.


The bike racks outside of the AOERC are crowded. There are many unused bikes, either because they are old or have parts missing, that are taking up space. Additionally, bikes continue to get stolen. This causes stress for visitors as they try to find space for their bikes and worry about their property potentially being stolen or damaged.


Creative Cindia: I went to the AOERC to work out, but when I got there the racks were crowded. Luckily, after a few minutes I was able to find a spot. I did have to move a toppled bike out of the way though. I’m glad I was just going to the gym, if I was going to class, I might have been a little late.

Musical Max: I got to the gym and the place was packed! Not a single spot was free. Some spots only had a bike frame chained to the rack. I had to chain my bike to the lamppost nearby instead. The bike frames and broken locks on the ground don’t make me too confident about my bike’s safety, but there isn’t much else I can do.

Active Alley: I had been swimming for hours and I was completely exhausted. When I finally got back to my bike, I was shocked. The frame was still locked up, but my tires were missing! I’m so tired, I don’t want to drag that frame all the way back to the dorms! Maybe I can just leave it there for now and fix it later.


Working Title:

A Better Bike Safety System