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POV Statements

A young adult who is starting their first garden needs to have easy access to plant care advice because starting a garden is a big investment, in both time and money, and she cannot afford for it not to work out due to her tight budget. Starting a garden can be overwhelming as there is tons of information, and it can be difficult to take care of plants, especially when they all have different care needs. It can be scary to spend so much money on a garden, and then possibly not know how to take care of it properly.

A busy mom needs to have a better way to manage her time spent in the garden because the activity that was supposed to be relaxing is becoming another chore on her never ending list. When you are a busy person watering and caring for a garden can add to the stress. It is a time-consuming task, and it can be hard to fit it into an already tight schedule. People might start out loving gardening and finding it relaxing, but when life catches up to them it can feel like a never-ending chore. Always more weeding or maintenance to be done.

A high schooler that took a job of watering plants around campus needs to be more engaged in his work because the days feel very long and he is not very invested in the plants he is caring for. Watering all of the plants around campus can get repetitive and boring after a couple of days. No one wants to dread going to work, or be distracted all day thinking about what they would rather be doing with their time. Not being invested in his job can also be at the detriment of the plant's care, possibly leading to incorrect amounts of watering or missing warning signs of plants in bad health.