Product - Preference on Junk Mail

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Journal Entry For
Plan for Iterating

Design idea was good but need a clearer image of how all impacted parties will be benefited especially USPS

Currently there are third parties that provide ways for recipient’s of junk mail to opt out but it is not widely know

  • I think people would know about it more if an opt-out service was run through USPS

-After further research discovered that USPS does receive a lot of revenue from junk mail

  • Must be a way to benefit USPS with mail while still reducing junk mail issue

Ideas to benefit USPS

  • Have people opt-out but also register their mail preferences.
    • They could either sell this information to companies who then share their mail
    • Or this opt-in/out system could be monetized/people that make preferences have to pay (that is what third parties do)

New Product

MVP - Providing a more streamlined/easier way for recipients to register preferences so they feel greater autonomy over the mail they receive

MVP+ - Making sure that USPS benefits.

  • Based on preferences USPS receives they can sell these targeted lists to the companies
  • USPS will also still be dealing with a lot of mail meaning their revenue from junk mail shouldn’t drop too much (though overall production of mail may decrease but the revenue from companies paying may offset this loss