Homework A: Bills

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Journal Entry For
Part A - Observations Sketch & Project Ideas

After Finishing from the class I went to the Tresidder Memorial Union because its crowded with people always. I ordered a drink so i can observe and stay in one place, I paid with a credit card and the worker told me “bill?” I replied with yes please, and she handed me a long bill and i walked away but she called me back and said your card bill I took and waited and kept observing for an hour and couldn't find anything interesting. Unfortunately i called it a day and decided to call it a day and went to grab something to eat and the same thing happened again with the restaurant and the bill. I went back to my room and emptied my pocket but i was shocked when i saw the drawer filled with bills only from this week at Stanford to the point my wallet wasn't even noticeable. This had me thinking this is my bills as one person in the span of four days, how will it look like if we combined all the bills of the purchased things at Stanford only. Personally I think it will look like a mountain of bills, and please don't tell me its a personal choice to not to take a bill and save the planet but its my right to take the bill to check i everything is correct moreover to protect me as a person.

To solve this problem I see that's we will develop like an ID for every person but it will have every bill that he purchased something from. and also it will have a barcode showing at the credit card machine so if someone want to check his bill quickly it will be accessible with a lot of option. And for the ID card it will be used incase a person paid in cash so he will register the bill at the Bill ID card. Moreover a Application with all the transactions so someone can track if anything is needed.

The idea: No physical bills, Barcode to show e-bill if needed, ID-card/member number for cash payers, and APP to keep recorded of everything and it will have your profile and digital ID bill card.

So this will have many befits such as:

1-Save paper and save the environment with less waste

2- Keeping track of all the bills/spendings

3- Very accessible and easy to navigate through bills for warranty

4- Security reasons:

See who might use your Card and where

Easier for the government/credit card to keep you safe from fraud and scams.

  • Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Which? How many?

Who: Me inreaction with the workeres regarding the bill.

What: Physical Bills

Where: Tresidder Memorial Union - Stanford

When: 26/6/2024 5pm

Why: Too Many bills and it all go to waste

How: Make it sustaible and smart

Which: E-bills

How many: -

The Sketch:

Coffee shop bill Skectch703.2KB