Observation notes

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Journal Entry For
Part A - Observations Sketch & Project Ideas
Wander. Select a location (must have at least one human in addition to yourself).
  • Observe (30 minutes or longer). Sketch the scene in Notion Design Journal. Use Look & See method.
  • Annotate details explaining forms & functions. Notice any issues, problems or opportunities for improvement.
  • Part A (observational & project ideas notes in Notion) due Friday (to screen ideas or domains).

This is a sketch of a corner of Green Library.

Me and my friends Gabby and Mia went there in order to self-study more efficiently.

The one drinking water is Gabby and the one who sits with her back to me is Mia.

The colorful stripes on the left side of this sketch assemble books on bookshelves.

The gradient color of yellow assembles light sources.


Notable parts:

  1. Within around 15-20 square meters of area, there are 7 light sources: natural sunlight, a lamp on the table, light on the desk in front of Mia, two kinds of light on the ceiling, and light from Gabby’s and Mia’s laptop separately.
  2. The lights that the computer screens emit are cold white, I marked them in yellow to highlight them.
  3. The computer screens barely produce any heat while illuminating.
  4. The rest of the lights in this sketch are warm white.
  5. Heat production caused by the lights on the ceilings remains unknown.
  6. The lamp on the table and the light on the desk all produce a human-detectable amount of heat while illuminating.
  7. Many furniture within the library, including the table, the desk, the glass on windows, the walls, and the ceilings, all have smooth surfaces and are in light colors, meaning that they can reflect a great amount of light.
  8. the eave outside the window blocks the sunlight from entering the building.
  9. When the light on the desk has been turned off, the baffles surrounding the desks create a shaded area where most lights are blocked.

I wonder if it is necessary to turn on so many lights within such a small area since lighting has taken up a large proportion of municipal energy use. My goal is to try to rearrange the positions of these lights or design a product that can cover most areas with light while using the least amount of energy.

Additional observation on Sunday:

  1. Under this extreme quite condition, people became super alert of the presents of other people, in this case, the observer me.
  2. When I was self studying, I turned to look at a photo on the wall that depicts a man facing towards me.
  3. Low illumination does make people sleepy.
  4. From where I am now, there is only three light sources now( sunlight, computer light, and ceiling light which is far from me). So I must turn on an additional desk light.
  1. Very inconvenient charging place.
  2. Some couples like to work on the same desk.
  3. The lights on the outer edge of the book zone are warm-white and emit light constantly.
  4. The lights within the book zone are cold-white and only lights up when people approaches this area.
  5. There are people who are quietly playing video games in the library.