Part B #2 - Preliminary/Working Problem Statement

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Journal Entry For
Part B - Preliminary Problem Statement


The pool is very hot.


The Avery Rec. Pool is very open with little shade, making it very hot. Additionally, swimming is a very energy intensive activity. With the heat wave coming, it is increasingly important to stay cool and hydrated when out in the sun and swimming. However, there is little shade available at the pool and water and sunscreen must be brought by the visitor. Therefore, the pool can be an uncomfortable place to stay at and there is the likelihood for visitors to forget water or sunscreen, leading to sunburns, dehydration, and even heatstroke.


Creative Cindia: After some time in the pool, I don’t want to sit out in the hot sun. I would rather have some shade to sit under and think about my recent writing project. However, there are already people using the table with the umbrella.

Musical Max: I finally finished my classes and I have some time to relax on the sunbathing hill. I forgot to bring sunscreen though, and I don’t want to get sunburned out here. Whatever, it’s not like I’ll burn that quickly, right?

Active Alley: I came out here to do a few practice laps in the pool. It’s way too hot out here! I’m starting to feel a bit dehydrated, but I wasn’t expecting to drink all my water this fast. I guess I’ll have to cut my practice short and go get something to drink.


Working Title:

Beating the Heat at Avery Rec. Pool