Part B - Preliminary Problem Statement

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Journal Entry For
Part B - Preliminary Problem Statement


  1. People using the pool can become dehydrated, sunburned, or just generally uncomfortable, due to the sunlight and heat. This could be solved by including more ways to create shade if wanted as well as introducing more convenient ways to get water and sunscreen. There are currently only two areas shaded by umbrellas for visitors, in addition to the limited shade provided by the building itself. Sunscreen and drinking water must be brought to the pool by the visitors, though drinking water is likely available within the building.
  2. Bikes and parts of bikes continue to get stolen. Additionally, many bikes, and parts of bikes, are taking up space within the bike parking area. This causes stress for visitors as they try to find space for their bikes and worry about their property potentially being stolen or damaged. If a better monitoring and clean up system was used, there is an opportunity for the bike parking to become a safer and less stressful environment. Allowing visitors to focus on their activities instead of their transportation.