POV Statements of the CCP’s

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POV Statements

Tim: Tim likes to buy from Starbucks on his way to his classes but he didn't like all the paper bills that he was receiving so he wanted a digital way to view his bills rather than wasting the paper and throwing after seeing the bill.

Mara: Mara needs to go shopping and buy some stuff for her place of work because she's the leading nurse and it's her responsibility to buy snacks for the team, but the hospital needs the bills so they can repay Mara. Mara is getting tired of this and needs a noncontact way to receive the bills in

Brick: Brick is pissed because he wants to refund the chargers cables and fans that he bought on the first day in university for his dorms but he cant because he threw away all the bills that he had because it was too many bills to keep