Scareman Project

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Journal Entry For
Composite Character Profiles

Preliminary problem statement:

People focus on what they are doing in the library for too long.

Problem Statement:

Due to the unchanging environment of the library,people loss sense of the flow of time. So, people that study in the library tend to focus on what they are doing for a long period of time. It is bad for their health as this will increase their risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, obesity and myasthenia gravis


David the deadline fighter

David has severe procrastination. He always swear that he will finish his assignment as soon as he receive it. To do achieve that he always goes to the library because he thinks its a place with better “study atmosphere”However, everytime he will be distracted by the fun stuffs that are sent to him by Tiktok and lost tract of his time. In the end, David won’t finish his homework until the last minute.


Bella the bookworm

Bella is addictive to books. She waits for the library to open at dawn and do not leave until dusk. There is a small desk by the window that is exclusive to her. She basically lives in there 8 hours a day for 365 days a year without barely moving. She health condition has significantly worsened due to lack of exercise and habitually skipping lunch.


Lauren the Librarian

Lauren is both excited and frustrated about the end of the day. He’s excited because he can finally end today’s work and go home. He’s frustrated because it also means that he need to leave his comfy seat at the front door and search every floor for the ones that are so obsess in staying in the library that they ignored the broadcast of the library is closed. Searching for them is harsh work. These people could be anywhere and there is a possibility that they are moving. As long as one person is still within the library, Lauren cannot leave.


Q: What do you think about being in the library?

David: “It makes me feel a sense of achievement and pride. Even I didn’t do a lot, and my deadline is still chasing after me, I still feel that I have been through a meaningful day. I have came out of bed, came out of my dorm, and actually studied for a whole day in the library! I am proud of myself.”

Bella: “ Every day in the library is a wonderful day! I get to read all the books I like, stay in my favorite seat for the entire day without moving a bit. I hope the library doesn’t close so early, that way I can stay there longer.

Lauren: “I am sick of being in the library! I want to go home. All day I just sit at the front door and watch everyone come and everyone leave. But there is always some STUDENTs who haven’t heard the radio and won’t leave the library. I have to search for them one by one or else I can’t leave. They are stalling my time!”