Starbucks Scene - observations/improvements

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Journal Entry For
Notes from Observing

Aside from the annotated observations on the drawing, the following are other of my observable improvements for Starbucks as a company, a cafe, and a community space:

  1. To create the idea that Starbucks is an environmentally-conscious company, they could collaborate with reputable organizations or charities that support better waste management or other humanitarian efforts, or have displays of “what Starbucks has done and will do in regards to the environmental cause” around the space.
  2. Trash in the “Landfill” bin always gets either full or overfilled while the “Recycle” or “Compost” bins remain 45-50% full. They could include the motto or something similar to “Think twice about how you dispose your trash,” and strategically place these signs near the three waste bins. Even though there are two bins for the sustainable cause, most people just see landfill and ignore the other two. To suggest a crazy idea, if all the material that Starbucks uses to serve customers (as well as their own waste) is fully compostable or recyclable, they could eliminate or reposition the “Landfill” option to another location. In doing so, the customers are given the choice to responsibly dispose their trash. This visual reminder (repetitive) will ingrain the habit for customers to “think again,” as well as in other community locations that have sustainable disposal bins.
Preliminary observations and notes.
Preliminary observations and notes.