W1 HW [Part A & B]

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Journal Entry For
Prototype WIP


  • Wander. Select a location (must have at least one human in addition to yourself).
  • Observe (30 minutes or longer). Sketch the scene in Notion Design Journal. Use Look & See method.
  • Annotate details explaining forms & functions. Notice any issues, problems or opportunities for improvement.
  • Part A (observational & project ideas notes in Notion) due Friday (to screen ideas or domains).
This is my final sketch of the place I wandered to I had no lesson in the afternoon and this is the place I decided to chill out at after walking around for a while. I did not fill the sketch with all the people present in the cafe (i.e. Starbucks) but in reality, it was really crowded. The sketch only encompasses some of the problems that I forsaw in the environment.
This is my final sketch of the place I wandered to I had no lesson in the afternoon and this is the place I decided to chill out at after walking around for a while. I did not fill the sketch with all the people present in the cafe (i.e. Starbucks) but in reality, it was really crowded. The sketch only encompasses some of the problems that I forsaw in the environment.


Potential Problem Statements:

  • Overfilled Trash Bin
    • Customers are frequently encountered with overfilled trash bins, leading to unsightly waste overflow and customers being unable to dispose of their trash when exiting the shop.
    • Trashbins are designed such that trash disposal is separated into its specific categories (i.e. Recylclables, Landfill). However, customers are not disposing of their wastes correctly. Used cups are not thrown into the landfill bin while used tissues are thrown into recyclable bin.
  • Trash are left on the tables and not disposed correctly.
    • Tables often remain uncleaned with trash left behind by previous customers, causing discomfort for new and other patrons.
  • Long queue at the cashier
    • Customers experience long wait times at the cashier during peak hours, potentially resulting in frustration, decreased customer satsifaction and loss of business.
  • Entrance doors are non-automatic
    • The non-automatic door creates accessibility challenges for customers with disabilities, limiting their ability to enter and exit the cafe independently and comfortably.
  • Many drinks are uncollected on the counter
    • Some customers do not wait at the side for their drinks and end up collecting their drinks much later after it is prepared. This results in an accumulation of drinks at the counter and servicepersonnels being unable to place anymore drinks on the counter.