Warm-Up Assignment

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Warm Up Exercise

Brainstormed Idea: Rocking Chair that generates electricity by having the backrest turn some sort of generator > to create electricity

  • This would not work as there is no need FOR the electricity, it would be expensive to implement, and there is no super practical design (that I have found) that would convert that motion into electricity easily

Second Idea: UVC Light Reusable Water Bottle

  • Though Reusable bottles are better than plastic ones, they can still be optimized even further. With my improved-upon reusable water bottle, the “E-Bottle,” users can not only reduce plastic waste, but water usage as well.
  • UVC Light is a radiation method that uses light around a specific wavelength to kill small bacteria and microorganisms. It is already being used in many water treatment facilities, and more. I can integrate a small UVC light emitter into the cap of the water bottle, and when the light is turned on, it will kill the germs and bacteria in the water bottle. This water bottle will come with a plug to recharge the battery for the UVC light, using electricity to power it instead of water. This will reduce water usage from the user, and also save the user's time, making it a more sustainable idea.
  • Problem 1: Plastic is degradable
  • Solution: Use Polycarbonate or Stainless Steel, two materials highly durable to UVC Light, which are also commonly found in food/beverage containers


Although reusable water bottles are already an improvement from one-time plastic water bottles, they can still be optimized even further. With my improved-upon reusable water bottle, the “E-Bottle,” users can not only reduce plastic waste, but water usage as well.

Currently, reusable water bottles require its users to wash the bottle quite often as germs and bacteria may accumulate, infecting the water and harming the user's health. This is a deterrent for many, which is why many people still choose to use one-time, plastic water bottles. Many are too lazy to wash and clean their bottles every time. Helping customers transition to the E-Bottle will help in global efforts in reducing plastic waste.

UVC Light is a radiation method that uses light around a specific wavelength to kill small bacteria and microorganisms. It is already being used in many water treatment facilities, and more. I can integrate a small UVC light emitter into the cap of the water bottle, and when the light is turned on, it will kill the germs and bacteria in the water bottle. This water bottle will come with a plug to recharge the battery for the UVC light, using electricity to power it instead of water. This will reduce water usage from the user, and also save the user's time, making it a more sustainable idea.

We will use either polycarbonate or stainless steel for the material of the reusable water bottle, as they have high durability against UVC light, unlike regular plastic, which may degrade easily. This will ensure that our E-Bottle will have no impact on the user’s health.

Depending on whether the user wants to insulate their drink or not, we will charge different prices for each material (polycarbonate and stainless steel), as stainless steel costs more but has better insulation abilities.

This E-Bottle is not just a regular bottle. I created this bottle as a leap to not only better our health, but as a step towards a greener planet for all.