Working Product Statement

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Journal Entry For


Biking and walking students are in danger of collisions on car-centric campus streets.

CCP: Twida




POV: Twida wants a well-defined and pleasant path for bikers and walkers around campus with safety measures besides a painted path for bikes

  • Cares about shade, the delightfulness of the path
  • Wants a safe and efficient route around campus
  • Wants a well-lit walking/biking path at night

CCP: Studius Steven

Studies long hours

Needs ada wheelchair assistance

Loves Panda Express

POV: Living in EVGR, Studius Steven has an electronic wheelchair. He has to traverse long distances across campus for classes and crosses several busy roads. Due to his mobility, Studius Steven likes to study where his classes are and at Tresidder where he can eat Panda Express. However, at night he often finds himself in need of a lighted path and wishes there was some sort of crosswalk that had traffic control capabilities like an electric walk and stop sign. Several times a car has almost run into him as he crosses a roundabout crosswalk at night.

Daredevil Debra

Speeds in her car on campus because its fun

Bubbly, flighty personality

Addicted to instagram reels

POV: Why are there so many bikers on campus! People should just drive to E-quad like me. If I have to slow down for a biker one more time, I’m gonna go nuts!

Woah woah, slow down Deb, what it sounds like is that you would like more clearly defined bike and car lanes.

Yeah! Seriously, one time(welllllll not the only time, this one was the scariest), I almost hit a biker at night. I may have been looking at a reel about baking, but I didn’t realize I drifted into the bike lane! Luckily, the biker was able to hit the brakes and was okay. As a driver and I’m sure as a biker, I think there should be more than painted lines on the ground to separate our lanes and protect everyone on the street.