Design Project 2 | Mini Proposals

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Mini Proposal

Mini Proposal (<100 Words)

  • What you want to design
  • Context (who, where, when, why & how)
  • Include:
    • a sentence about your team’s personal connection to this context
    • the sustainability element
    • a project code-name

Original Mini-Proposal:

Domain: Bathrooms

We want to design some sort of solution for unsanitary public bathrooms, especially inside stalls. We want to design some sort of toilet, or toilet attachment, to either fix the uncleanliness or to promote more awareness towards taking care of bathrooms.

We’ve all felt the dread of needing to go number two in a public bathroom. We don’t want to hear the farts and sploshing of others around us. Often times, there is piss on the toilet seat, a few leftover hairs, and remnants of the previous user’s waste. We decided to choose bathrooms as our domain, especially public bathrooms, as we believe that public bathrooms have a lot of room for improvement and sustainability. Saving water and toilet paper are two of our goals for this project, and also improving the quality of life for everyone. Project codename: Hygiene Haven


We’ve all felt the dread of needing to go number two in an airport public restroom. Airport restrooms often have piss and leftover hairs on the toilet seat, along with remnants of previous users’ waste. They also smell bad and have dim lighting, giving users a disappointing/disgusting experience. Not to mention, there is also little-to-no privacy between stalls, as there is no noise cancellation. [Saving water and improving the quality-of-life are two of our goals for this project. Project codename: Hygiene Haven]

Extra notes:

  • CCPs, POVs, sticky note exercise, sketch, prototype 1, prototype testing, mvp/mvp+, elevator pitch preparation

Extra Notes:

Sustainability ideas: composting toilets,

Synonyms for poop: turd, dookie, etc.