Elevator Pitch [Draft]

Journal Entry For
Elevator Pitch Draft

Elevator Pitch Reminder: you only remember what the product can do for you. You can’t explain the details well in 5 minutes. Focus on what the product can do for others.


  • Opening: 1min
    • Skit – working mom
      • But this problem focuses on finding facilities for children
    • Netflix opening
    • Main problem: swimming and an entertainment centre
    • Props: swim
  • Product: 3min

Finalised Outline

  • Opening: 1min
    • Video: Netflix Opening
      • Scrolling Netflix
      • Claims to want to go swimming but complains about Stanford facilities
        • Warm water on a warm day
        • Dirty
        • Facilities are not inclusive
        • Main problem: swimming and an entertainment centre
    • Scrolled onto a new movie: AquaDome pops up
    • “Have you not heard about the AquaDome?”
    • Conversation continues
  • Product: 3min

Details / Information

  • Grab: such as big names
  • Problem
    • The pool is not clean
    • Pools / Swimming acitivities that are not catered to everyone
  • Solution: AquaDome
    • Inclusivity
      • Pools / Water facilities for adults, kids and competitive athletes
      • Shops and restaurants for residents nearby
      • Childcare centre for parents to drop their kids off while they relax
      • doubles for shows and concerts
    • Sustainability
      • Double glass for natural insulation
      • Solar panels
      • Plants
      • Open top allows for air not ventilate naturally
      • Y2E2 motorized windows that open
    • Cleanliness
      • Bacteria fighting materials
      • Indoors
  • Competitive Advantage
    • Traditional pool would to name drop Arriaga for not being clean, too hot, and boring
    • Interesting activities
      • Water massage
      • Movie by the pool
  • Model
    • All inclusive subscription plan: Bi-annual payment
    • Free basement parking
    • Shops give up timely vouchers (for people to come back to spend)
  • Promise
    • Cleanliness, Inclusivity and Sustainability
    • Everyone, anytime, will be able to enjoy, relax and rejuvenate at the AquaDome
  • Ask
    • Come visit the aqua dome
    • Start a membership (discounted trial for the first six months)
    • Come visit the Aqua Dome and start your membership today
    • Ladies and gentlemen, the Aqua Dome is where luxury meets adventure, where comfort meets conservation. Let's dive into this venture together and create a destination that will inspire and amaze.
    • Experience luxury and adventure beneath the waves at the Aqua Dome, where the water’s beauty meets unparalleled comfort.
    • Discover luxury beneath the waves at Aqua Dome – where every stay is an unforgettable underwater adventure

ALL: Opens Netflix and watches katie ledecky as opening scene

*Talk over the opening Netflix slide bc it saves time

Ale) Did you guys see Katie Ledecky during the Paris Olympics last week?

Jolene) yeah she was amazing!

Shuen) it made me wish I could go swimming but we have no nice facilities here!

ALL: Scroll and lead up on the Aqua Dome TV screen cover

A) Woah, what’s that?

B) Have you guys not heard of the AquaDome? (Looks to the audience and asks them)

C) Yea, how can you not heard of it?

A) Well what is it then, if you guys know so much?

B) Oh gosh, so we've all experienced it - that pools that aren't clean, facilities that don't cater to everyone's needs, and a lack of engaging activities. These issues not only limit enjoyment but can also discourage people from engaging in healthy, aquatic activities. But in the AquaDome, cleanliness is a top priority. The pools and facilities are made from bacteria-fighting materials, and the entire complex is enclosed, providing a controlled and clean environment. The facilities are cleaned everyday so that they ensure that every visit is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.

C) Yea, and aside that, for people like me who can’t swim, the AquaDome has other water facilities and activities for me to enjoy! The AquaDome was designed with inclusivity at its core. Our facilities include pools and water features tailored for adults, children, and even competitive athletes. For the surrounding community, shops and restaurants are also integrated into the dome, creating a hub that serves everyone. Parents can relax and enjoy our amenities while their children are cared for at the on-site childcare center. Additionally, the versatile space doubles as a venue for movie screenings while just floating in the water. This makes AquaDome a cultural and social hotspot, how cool is that!.

A) The Aqua Dome is also a model of sustainability. The main structure consists of a large glass dome housing four smaller glass domes, creating a double-wall design that provides natural insulation. Additionally, motorized windows open at specific times of the day to release hot air and allow cool air in, ensuring natural ventilation. The lounge area is adorned with plants, enhancing the ambiance while keeping the air fresh. Solar panels on the dome's roof generate clean energy, minimizing the establishment's reliance on conventional electrical sources.

B) Compared to other community pools and recreation centers, the Aqua Dome revolutionizes the swimming experience. It offers unique activities like surfing, movie screenings, and deep dive sessions—features that no other aquatic center combines in one location.

C) The AquaDome may seem fancy and expensive, but its actually not expensive at all. Their subscription plan is really affordable and payment is made every 6 months. More importantly, this bianual subscription would allow you to enjoy all the benefits, as many times you want at anytime. There abundant free parking and shops give out timely vouchers for you to enjoy!

A) The team here at AquaDome promises a well-maintained cool indoor swimming pool by enhancing the quality, accessibility, and sustainability, creating a more enjoyable, safe, and inclusive environment for all ages, skill levels and everyone around.

B) Ladies and gentlemen, the Aqua Dome is where luxury meets adventure, where comfort meets conservation. Let's dive into this venture together and create a destination that will inspire and amaze. Come visit the Aqua Dome and start your membership today (there’s even a discount, for a limited time, if you sign up with your Stanford ID)