The Sustainability Fan Ambassador

The Sustainability Fan Ambassador

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Journal Entry For
Warm Up Exercise

Warm Up Project:

I chose the Fan when I was got back from class and I remember the Dr saying “Choose your favorite product” So My fan is my favorite because i got hot really easily.

How to make/increase the Fan capability:

Focus on: Energy, AI/smart usage, Eco mode, Solar panels to work it and don't forget colling because that's the most important.

Dr noted only use one of features but i already did the sketching but i will stick to the smart Fan as a base and put the others eco and panels as a features to the smart app so you can activate whenever you want to.

The sketching of the Fan and ideas of the app:

Warmup Assignment .pdf2763.9KB

The narrative of the essay: I will talk about me getting from the shop and the Person who works at the store keep telling about all these features that make the fan sustainable which amaze me and how i really like it.

The Essay:

On the 22 June 2024 Summer at Stanford University, Ali just received his dorm keys. He was excited for this new chapter of his life but all of that excitement went away when he opened the door and realized there was no AC! He kept denying it because how does a person live without an AC especially since Ali comes from the UAE which is known for its high temperatures always therefore he's a person who gets heated easily even when the AC is on, So he knew he had to act quickly before he got a heat stroke in the dorm!

Moments go by and Ali finds himself getting on the bus to Walmart after the Suggestion of the RA of the dorms to get a fan from a local store which is very famous in the US, and the fan being the only solution for Ali’s problem at the moment. Ali’s Enjoyment in his last moments of the cooling air of the Bus AC was interrupted by the bus driver announcing to the mostly new confused students on the bus that we arrived at the store. Ali was surprised by the huge store in front of him, he wasn't used to this big markets his country. Suddenly Ali found himself discussing with other students the best fan to get. Are the classic ones that you find hanging on your local restaurant walls? Is the big black bulky fan that construction workers use in their work? or the small fan that can be put by your bed table? Ali didn't care at all. He just wanted something that would keep him cool from California summer.

Ali saw a lot of fans he was confused about what to choose between them, and what are even the differences between the fans until he’s lines of thought were cut by someone clearing his throat. Ali turned around to see a tall guy with a smile on his face. So I guess you're a new student at Stanford huh? Ali replied with yes, but may I know how you guessed that? He replied, My name is Mike and you're not the first Middle Eastern youth I saw standing confused in the fan aisle, I know your problem and your solution. Ali Sighed releasing all the air from his lungs in relief as finally Someone understood what's he going through. Right from here, Sir is the perfect fan Mike said. Showing Ali This tall Fan that's looks amazing but it has lame packaging and only a barcode on it. Ali said Mike is that it? how can this be the fan? Mike replied Ali Didn't you learn yet to not judge a book by its cover? you're at Stanford now you have to be at the Stanford student level by now. Ali was embarrassed to the point he forgot to apologize, So what's so great about this fan anyway? we call it the sustainability fan ambassador. Ali is confused and tilts his head saying “Huh?”

Mike replied, as you can see this fan is not your ordinary fan, Firstly look at the packaging it is so simple with no excessive waste that will harm the environment even with the box when you are done with it you can fold it into any shape you want is like a big piece of origami that you can play with, with no extra cardboard or million-page instruction manual that you won't read. Just scan this barcode and you will find everything you need to know about from its looks and box design to how many screws inside the fan you have. Ali was happy not because we were saving the planet but because how he wouldn't need to go throw that trash twice now. How typical thinking of a college student.

Mike continued, this fan is also smart as you can see on my phone it has a mobile app with a lot of features look this page is dedicated to turning the fan on and off and the fan speed this was created so when you get up in the middle of the night you don't need to suffer with searching for the remote and going through million option and get confused. Simple but efficient. Ali replied, I agree with you.

And on this page is the info page, but also you can choose what temperature you want the room to be and it will tell you how many minutes it needs to make the room in the desired temperature.

This page is called Eco, and basically, it explains itself as eco-friendly so when you go out to eat lunch or out for a quick walk you don't have to worry about leaving it on and wasting so much power it will keep the room cool but at a lower fan speed and it will also lower its power usage to almost by half at most of the times. this is so cool Ali replied.

The last page is my personal favorite is when you on your way home after a long day of classes and you just want to lay down and kick back to relax in a cold room this is exactly what you will need. Just set when you will arrive and the temperature you need the room to be in and you will find your cold room waiting for you.

Ali replied wow and I love it and it has a lot of cool features but is not enough to call the ambassador of sustainability. Mike said, Ali, you didn't let me finish. So the biggest feature of this fan is that you can make it work with solar panels so you just hook it up on your window if the sun comes directly at it or you can throw it on the roof and hook the extension wire to the fan and you're good to go. Ali said, Mike, I'm sorry I wasn't patient enough, and thanks for the help. this fan proved itself but moreover is worthy of its title.

By that Ali took his new fan to the register and he lived happily ever after with his new best friend at Stanford dorms...

The Canvas Submitted file:

Warm up Assignment - Ali Alhammadi .pdf451.6KB