Jonathan Alvarez

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  • Your Name as the Card title
  • The link to your Module 3 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project

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Stage 1: Modeling a Parametric Structure


One of the main things that I wanted in this geometry was to be able to have separate control over the walls and the ceilings, so I made it such that there are sliders controlling the overall shapes like the length and the height of the structure, but there are separate sliders and equations dictating the number of panels (rows and columns separately for more control) and the radii of the beams (horizontal and vertical separately for more control).

Stage 2: Transforming Your Geometry


To change it from being simple sine and cosine curves, and having the ability to edit them more freely, I added sliders for the amplitude and number of waves as sections of the walls. This allowed me to control the shape and size of the waves that form the top, middle, and base of the walls (at extremes even making the shape linear). I thought this would be better seen by adding more panelization to focus on the shape of the curve.

Stage 3: Applying Your Form at Different Scales


My original design was meant to be large scale, and I wanted the model to be a large open walkway that has waves and allows slivers of light to shine through in interesting ways.


When I thought about changing the design to a medium scale, I thought of it less as a long hallway/walkway and more as an arch that may be the opening to a different building. In that case, I wanted it to feel more solid and unified, so I increased the number of panel divisions to make each one smaller and I also decreased the overall height to make a more natural arch.


Summary of Parameters to Change Structure

  • Overall Height Sliders: Controls the height of the structure.
  • Offset Sliders: Controls the width of the structure at the middle and ceiling separately.
  • Amplitude Sliders: Controls the amplitude of each part of the wall (ceiling, midpoint, base) separately.
  • Number of Waves Sliders: Controls the number of waves for the sine and cosine curves.
  • Ceiling Width Slider: Controls the width of the ceiling.
  • Tube Radius Sliders: Controls the radius of the support beams, specifically the horizontal and vertical of each wall and ceiling independently.