Celine Phua - Module 8 - Part 1

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Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Make Your Pitch

Intended users

Building developers, designers, owners with a materials sustainability focus

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

Buildings are increasingly becoming more diverse in shapes and sizes and the unique nature of each building makes it difficult to assess at a very early design stage. With this tool, it allows users to explore various building designs and assess each building form according to its financial returns, sustainability factors, physical properties. However, there usually exist trade-offs between these assessment factors. The tool will inform and illustrate to users the trade-offs for users to decide finally on the building form they would like, or iterate the building design till the final decision can be made.


  • Building Height, Width, Length
  • Distance between Building Towers
  • Bridge Height, Top & Bottom Radius
  • Bridge Position in the horizontal and vertical axis

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

Create building form by combining various geometry shapes - in this case, I’ll be creating 2 main building towers with a bridge connecting both towers. There will be 2 combinations created - one with a list of both towers and the other with a list of tower & bridge. Profit Margins will be calculated based on the floor area of the former list since the bridge cannot be rented out, while the rest of the outputs will be determined based on the latter list.


  • Profit Margins (Financial)
  • Embodied Carbon (Sustainability)
  • Surface Area to Volume ratio (Sustainability)
  • Floor Area (Physical)