
Exhibition: Aros Kunstmuseum + National Museum of Anthropology MX

Jan 12, 2024 10:54 PM
Last edited by
Alonso Vargas

Exhibition 1


This exhibition is definitely one of the very best I’ve seen in my life. It is quite simple yet tremendously powerful. This color-switching ring at the top of the Aros Kunstmuseum actually exhibits the world, but in a really distinctive way. It plays around with color to capture emotions as we visualize our world. It truly encapsulates the role and importance of our emotions in how we observe and then perceive our world. The thing I love the most about it is how is exemplifies in life many things are not black or white. My grandmother always said to me “Alonso, in this life nothing is true or a lie, it all depends on the crystal that you are using to see through”.

This phrase truly captures the importance of empathy as most of us have different experiences and backgrounds. We see things differently, and that is okey. As a society we have critical challenges ahead, we need to foster empathy to create tru collaboration in order to truly make holistic solutions and overcome those critical challenges, together.


This place can’t get better, right? 😉

The cherry on top of this beautiful museum is that they have a rooftop to grow plants.


This is at the top of my list because it made me think, reflect and feel through a simple, yet powerful concept.

Exhibition 2: National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City


I particularly love this exhibition because it talks about the history of Mexico, I am immensely proud of being Mexican. This truly awakes in me a sense of belonging as it makes me feel part of a big team when addressing our countries challenges. While helping me understand when I come from and what I want to achieve.