
Interview 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • My friend Meredith

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Student, female
  • Busy (working, premed)
  • Is interested in her personal style, but does not have a lot of time to shop

Key Findings from the Interview

  • She primarly shops online for particular products she wants (i.e., jeans or boots) and will shop around based on reccomendations (i.e., TikTok). Amazon is what she uses most often, whether it’s for clothes or products she needs for work/school.
  • She does like to thrift/shop in person to make sure what she purchases fit/looks right, whether she purchasing clothes or specific products. The hardest part about thrifting is finding something that fits when second hand items do not have uniform sizing and is very hit and miss. It is also hard to make time to shop in person unless it is something pressing AND requires good fit (i.e., professional outfits for mock trial tournaments).
  • Price is somewhat a motivating factor, but being able to locate the exact product that you want online is very appealing and easier than searching in stores.