Module 6 Template

Link to yourself
Submitted For
Module 6 - Workspace of the Future
Panorama View Link
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your ACC folder in the ACC Link field.

Image of Your Proposed Design Model


Side-By-Side Comparisons of Your Analysis Results


Your Recommendation for the “Best” Design Option

I chose my final design because of the information offered by the daylighting analysis. As seen above, the final design has a better average daylighting potential than the model to its left, but a slightly worse daylighting potential than the model to its right. However, the area in the middle model (my chosen model) with lower daylighting potential is relatively thin, and the opposite side of that space receives great daylighting. Therefore, since the space inside the building is already receiving daylighting, I don’t believe that the lower daylighting potential seen in the “corner” is an issue. Also, the model in the center (the chosen model) is more dynamic and interesting than the circular model, but has much better daylighting potential than the other triangular model.