Journal Entry For
Module 3 - Project Goals Targets & Strategies
I’m interested in buildings’ daylight performance, so my design may have a high WWR. However, in order to be sustainable, energy and thermal performance need to be considered as well, so my design will also take that into account.
Goal 1: Daylight performance
- Measure: Daylight - sDA/UDI, Glare - DGP
- Targets:
- Baseline buildings
- Daylight - sDA300lux50% (WELL)
- Strategies:
- High WWR
- Daylight windows and view windows
- Skylight
Goal 2: Energy performance
- Measure: Energy - EUI/peak cooling & heating loads
- Targets:
- Baseline buildings
- Energy - 80% reduction from baseline (Architecture 2030 Challenge)
- Strategies:
- Exterior shading systems
- Tinted windows
- Cross ventilation windows
- Stack ventilation
- Courtyard
Goal 3: Thermal performance
- Measure: Thermal - PMV/PPD/Adaptive thermal comfort (still exploring, not using all of them)
- Targets:
- Baseline buildings
- Thermal - 19.4 °C - 27.8 °C (ASHRAE)
- Strategies:
- Exterior shading systems
- Tinted windows
- Cross ventilation windows
- Stack ventilation
- Courtyard