Interview 1

Jun 23, 2021 1:41 PM
Submitted By
Rahmani Romo Nitiyudo
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • University Friend

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 22 year old university student living in Singapore.

Key Findings from the Interview

  • How do you define sustainability?
    • Mindi defines sustainability through a more political and economic (North-South divide) lens. She views it as ensuring that people from the South’s environment are not overexploited since many from the North overexploit the South and illegal dump waste in the South.
  • What aspect do you care most about sustainability?
    • She cares most about not overexploiting the resources that come from less developing nations.
  • What are your concerns about sustainability in today’s society?
    • She is concerned about how the burden of sustainability has been mostly placed on individuals than companies and governments.
  • What actions have you been taking to live a more sustainable life?
    • She likes to reduce consumption by buying things she really needs or wants. She also thrifts clothing items and avoids fast fashion.
  • How would you like to foster a more sustainable life in the future?
    • She would like to reduce more of her consumption and ask people to do the same.