Interview 4

Jun 22, 2021 7:27 PM
Submitted By
Madison Paige Werner
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • My younger sister

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • For example
    • 16
    • High School Student
    • Mundelein, IL

Key Findings from the Interview

  • When it comes to sustainability
    • She doesn't like to waste food. Whenever people open a drink or food she gets mad if they don't finish it or let it go to waste. She always finishes what she opens.
    • She doesn't waste any food or drinks, she always finishes them. She also gets mad at other people in my family when they waste their food or drinks.
    • She wants to start taking shorter showers to reduce the amount of water that she uses. She also wants my whole family to recycle more consistently.
  • Any reservations / concerns about sustainability?

She thinks that it would be hard to start to live a more sustainable lifestyle, but once we are used to it, she thinks that it would become like a second nature.