Overall steps:
As done in the last assignment, the custom building form is created which geometry is varying from a Circular at the base to a rounded triangle at the mid-height to a Triangle at the top.
The variable parameters to develop various design options are total height of the building and Angle of Twist.
Creating Evaluation Matrix:
- Total cost
- Cost at each floor level
- Additional cost due to angle of twist
- Total cost / Gross floor area
- Gross Floor area / Gross surface area
- Solar potential
A custom node is created which also accounts for additional cost due to each degree of twist at a particular floor level. Because the degree of twist increases the cost of construction. i.e More façade surface area, seismic provisions, core and structural system modification at floor level.
So, per square foot at each floor level addition cost due to degree of twist at that level is kept as user input.
i.e. 2$ additional cost / sq.ft/degree of twist
Floor cost calculation = Mass floor area * (Regular cost / SF + additional Cost * Angle of twist at the floor)
A custom node is created to calculate the solar insolation potential, to measure the sun light. As shown in the first image the submitted program can be easily extended to incorporate the effect of surrounding structures to add an additional shading surface in the custom node. (Future Scope)
Entire year’s Solar potential is considered in the analysis.
Here, Solar potential of the building is very important with the cost of building to evaluate the overall performance. So, both of them club together to perform single objective optimization function to evaluate the design options. Looking at the data of total cost of the building we can see that when degree of twist is less we can accommodate more floor area which add up to total cost and when degree of twist is more we spend more on providing twist which adds up more cost. So, in general, our cost matrix values for particular Height of the building is very close to each other. However, Matrices like Total cost / Gross floor area and Gross floor area / gross surface area make more sense to choose the design options.
The further analysis (part – 2 – Unit 3) is done using Excel as recommended in the assignment prompt. A single object optimization function is created and the top 3 design options are evaluated for our design
As Total cost / Gross floor area increases its not good for the developer so, negative weight is assigned to that.
Gross floor area / Gross surface increases is beneficial for the developer as they have to spend less on façade. Positive wt. is assign.
Solar potential increases as gross surface increases and it’s a positive aspect considering building performance. So, a Positive weight is assigned.
Weights for the evaluation matrix
- Total cost – 0
- Total cost / Gross floor area - -1
- Gross Floor area / Gross surface area - +1
- Solar potential - +1
Top 3 design selections based on single object optimization:
Over all Dynamo Logic
Input Parametes:
Custom Node for Total cost and Solar potential which includes additional cost due to angle of twist