Elena Wagenmans

Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Make Your Pitch
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Intended users

The intended users for this parametric solar panel analysis tool are architects, engineers, and sustainability consultants. These professionals are typically involved in the design and optimization of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), solar panel installations on rooftops, and other renewable energy projects. The tool can also be beneficial for students and researchers studying solar energy systems and their efficiency.

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

Maximizing Solar Energy Harvesting: By determining the optimal orientation, tilt angle, and arrangement of solar panels.

Assessing Shading Impacts: By considering the context of surrounding objects and their shading effects on the solar panels.

Evaluating Performance: By calculating the potential solar radiation and energy output based on panel efficiency and local weather conditions.

Simplifying Complex Calculations: By automating the analysis process using parametric design, thus saving time and reducing the potential for errors.


  1. Location Data:
    • Latitude: Latitude of the location.
    • Longitude: Longitude of the location.
    • Time Zone: Time zone of the location.
    • Elevation: Elevation above sea level.
  2. Surface Dimensions:
    • Roof Length: Length of the roof or surface area to analyze.
    • Roof Width: Width of the roof or surface area.
  3. Panel Specifications:
    • Panel Length: Length of the individual solar panels.
    • Panel Width: Width of the individual solar panels.
  4. Orientation and Tilt:
    • Orientation: Azimuth angle of the solar panels.
    • Tilt Angle: Tilt angle of the solar panels.
  5. Efficiency and Performance:
    • Efficiency: Efficiency of the solar panels.
  6. Environmental Context:
    • Context Geometry: Geometry of surrounding objects that may cause shading.
  7. Simulation Parameters:
    • Sky Matrix: Data representing the sky conditions for the location.
    • Grid Size: Size of the grid for the surface mesh.
    • Offset Distance: Distance between the analysis points and the surface.

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

  1. Location Setup:
    • The tool uses the provided latitude, longitude, time zone, and elevation to determine the solar position and irradiation data for the specific location.
  2. Surface and Panel Definition:
    • Based on the roof dimensions and panel specifications, the tool calculates the number of panels that can be placed on the roof.
    • The orientation and tilt angle are applied to the panel arrangement to optimize sun exposure.
  3. Shading Analysis:
    • The context geometry is used to simulate shading effects on the panels. The tool calculates the shading impact on each panel based on the surrounding objects.
  4. Radiation Calculation:
    • Using the sky matrix and simulation parameters, the tool computes the incident solar radiation on the panels. It accounts for direct and diffuse radiation components.
  5. Performance Evaluation:
    • The tool calculates the potential energy output based on the panel efficiency and the incident radiation data. It provides a report on the total energy production and identifies the optimal panel configuration.


  • Incident Radiation Data:
    • A detailed report on the incident solar radiation for each panel, considering the effects of shading and local weather conditions.
  • Energy Output:
    • Estimated energy production based on panel efficiency and incident radiation. This includes total energy output, energy per panel, and overall system performance.
  • Visualization:
    • Visual representations of the panel arrangement, shading analysis, and radiation data. These visualizations help users understand the solar potential and identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimization Recommendations:
    • Suggestions for optimizing panel orientation, tilt angle, and placement to maximize energy harvesting and minimize shading impacts.