Design Project 3 | Pitch

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Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Team Elevator Pitch
Aug 14, 2024 3:07 PM
Last edited by
Ishwar Anand Sarda
Last Edited
Aug 14, 2024 7:11 PM

We found out that 10 million tons of trash enter the sea every year. Can we solve this problem?

By far, this is not the only issue we face today. Another one is the increasing number of elderly people looking for a safe surrounding that on one hand meets their needs and on the other hand includes active lifestyle opportunities.

To be ready for future, we believe holistic solutions are necessary that solve many problems in one.

This is why we came up with the idea of the Vac Marine. That is a cruise ship that is growing on the go; collecting marine trash to build and restore itself! Why do we think we need it? Transporting seniors with limited mobility all over the world, cleaning our oceans in the meanwhile is the solution for increasing trash in the ocean and providing a senseful surrounding for elderly people.

The demand and opportunities for the Vac Marine seem endless: Mankind does not only get older but also produces more trash which often ends up in the ocean. Our prototype and testing show huge interest for such a sustainable Vac Marine community - not only among the target group but also the general public. Here, elderly, scientists, environmental activists and adventure seeker all come together to create a unique and inspiring communitiy.

Don’t you have a grandparent or other relatives who care about the environment and are ready for an adventure? We promise to take care of ocean trash and make our oceans clean again while offering adventure, not only for elderly people. This way, sustainability is turned into action.

Our team consists of six interdisciplinary students with a diverse cultural background who have the right skillset to turn the Vac Marine into a successful project.

We ask you for your input about what you consider to be important so we can reach out mission: Clean oceans and content elderly people.