Annie Helmes

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Image of My Model



For this design - I wanted to try and make an additional building as close to the reality as what our engineering campus actually looks like, so I tried to mimic the look of the old design for the new. Of course, I created every aspect by hand but visually inspected and measured to make sure certain aspects visually aligned. Each story is 8,700 SF in area, coming out to 26,100 SF for the total area of the building. The first story is an open concept plan, featuring several couches and tables to study, a small kitchen, and a student gallery space. The second floor is a little less open, featuring a makerspace with all glass windows and a cafe that opens onto a balcony for outdoor seating. There is also a workspace and some quiet rooms here as well. The third floor is the most social of all three stories, featuring a large L-shaped lounge with several tv’s, a communal study space, and a social library. One of the options that my client can decide is having a curtain-paneled wall on the third floor to help let in some bright light or to keep the facade brick. The second option set is in regards to the study spaces on the third floor - whether the social library stays open and social, or instead is a more traditional, silent study. This can be seen better through the views on my model.