Yuan Tang - Module 5

Part 1

In part1, I used the conceptual structure given in shared library and started to get a taste of flexing and testing model. I used “Parametric Tower - Twisting Rounded Triangular Mass - Shanghai Tower Proportions” as the basic model.

To add a little bit change, I changed the formula to set up a new relationship between the parameters. I changed midheight to be 1/3 of the total height.

Then I adjust other constant parameters to fit the problem situations. Assume each floor is about 10 ft, and we have total 73 floors. I divided element into the mass floors. To control the total floor area between 1,200,000 and 1,500,000 SF, I set top radius = 60’, base radius = 140’, and all rotations are 0 degree at the beginning.

The properties I set
The properties I set
The formula between different parameters in Family Properties
The formula between different parameters in Family Properties

Then I set the Project Location to San Francisco as requested.

  • Build the Dynamo Graph Logic to Flex One of the Form’s Parameters

Next I set up the Dynamo Graph logic to evaluate a single set of input, which I choose the Top rotation. Considering the esthetic aspect, here I set my base rotation to be constant as 30 degree.

I used the Dynamo to let top rotation changes between 0 degree to 180 degree with a step of 30 degrees (i.e. 0/30/60/90/120/150/180 degree). I used the node “BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput” and the content is attached below.

The BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput Node Content

Finally the six situations are recorded:

The EXCEL sheet of the output data summary is attached as followed:

Part 2

In part 2 I want to build a new model using Dynamo. I set the parameters and want to make a “water bottle shape” high rise building in which top 30 levels can be used for sightseeing.

To make the structure have smoother curve, I used 4 base geometry.

The overall shape of the water bottle structure design

Then I set equations to calculate the gross floor area, gross surface area, and gross volume.

Then I tried to create the combinations of input values to test and produce a list of outcomes.

The summary output table in EXCEL is attached below:
