Design Project 1 | POV Statements

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - POV Statements

Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement 1

Aware John needs to have a place to store trash while at the beach because he doesn’t have the habit of bringing a plastic bag and sometimes there is no available option to do so

Point of View Statement 2

Aware John needs the beach vendors to give a correct destination to their trash because their trash bins are a frequent destination to the waste generated and collected by Aware John

Point of View Statement 3

Conscious Kelley and Aware John needs the beaches to have better infrastructure because in many of the beaches ether there aren’t trash bins to leave the waste collected, or they don’t have proper trash bins, hence, recycling bins.

Point of View Statement 4

Litter Bill needs initiatives to build awareness around leaving trash at the beach because he is not compelled to collect the waste generated by him.

Selected Point of View Statement

You’ll select the Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work after our next class meeting on Mon, Jul 3.

Aware John needs to have a place to store trash while at the beach and Litter Bill needs initiatives to build awareness around leaving trash at the beach because they don’t have the habit of bringing a plastic bag, and frequently there is no available option to do so, and Litter Bill is not compelled to collect the waste generated by him.