Design Journal Entry - Module 1

Because of the psychological benefits associated with gender-inclusive restrooms — and to reduce piping/plumbing fixture complexity — my building relies on a relatively simple plumbing approach.

Each floor of my building has a restroom with a lavatory, a water closet, and a urinal. This arrangement minimizes the space associated with restrooms in my building (one restroom per floor rather than two or more), while still providing the appropriate facilities/fixtures for anyone using the restrooms.

Each water closet and urinal is attached to a 1” cold water branch/riser and a 4” sanitation branch/riser. Each lavatory is attached to a 1” cold water branch/rise and a 1” hot water branch/riser.

All restrooms are stacked vertically to further simply pipe runs throughout the building.

The restrooms are placed adjacent to the stairs and elevator so that visitors can quickly make their ways to a restroom on an alternate floor when they encounter an occupied restroom.
