Noe Recendiz

Submitted For
Module 6 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 2 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 2 of the questions below.)

What are the principal advantages of creating a conceptual design model using masses before diving into the detailed design and building element modeling?

Principal advantaged to creating a conceptual design using masses are being able to present to the client what the outer shape of the building will look like. This allows for changes to be made prior to detailed designs and structural elements being put in place, as a result, time and money is saved that can be used appropriately once a conceptual design model has been approved.

Should all buildings be modeled first using conceptual masses?

Not all buildings should be modeled first using conceptual masses, the main application I would use conceptual masses for is to design a concept which a client has for a very large project. This would allow for me to quickly change the overall look of the building to fit the clients needs. Because conceptual masses are quick to model I could also have various designs to present to the client for them to provide feedback on.

A small house would not need a conceptual mass model because unless the client is going for an abstract design, the layout of the building should be very simple to model. As opposed to a large building with various floors that could be time consuming.