Show below is my model with the image mapped onto the panels. The image is shown on the right.
As shown in the previous journal entry and below, a grid of points was created in order to place the adaptive panel components. The number of U and V points can be adjusted using the integer slider.
Next, the image was loaded in. The x samples and y samples for the “Image.Pixels” node came from the U and V point integer sliders. However, one had to be subtracted from each of the values to make sure the image was getting mapped out correctly. Before I did that, the color samples were slipping because the number of values of sampled colors in each row didn’t quite match the number of panels I was applying the colors to.
The user can choose whether the original image is mapped out on to the panels or if it is transposed as shown below.
Next, lists were created to flip the image vertically, horizontally, and both horizontally and vertically.
The user is then given the option to choose the orientation of the image as shown below.
The list of the final selection of color values is then passed into the node “Element.OverrideColorInView” to display the colors on the respective panels.
Lastly, the height values were adjusted based on the color brightness. To calculate the heights for the embossed and debossed effects, the color brightness values were remapped to be between 0 and 1. For the embossed effect, the new value was multiplied by an adjustable amplication factor and added to the base height. For the debossed effect, the new value was multiplied by an adjustable amplification factor and subtracted from the base height. For both cases, the base height was also adjustable. The user as the option to choose whether the panels have an embossed or debossed effect.