
Elevator Pitch Plan

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Journal Entry For
Preparing for Elevator Pitch

It’s 4pm! Guys, are you hungry? Dying to dine? Cafeteria ought to be your home, and the swipe-in desk before the dining hall is your gate!

The only problem is that now it’s not quite like home. It’s a single lonely podium, with the same look everyday. It’s a mystery, since you never know what’s served before you’re inside. It’s hell, hot and stuffy with all the people and no air-con. If you’re in Casper, the staff unfortunately can’t even tell you and the uninvited apart. Dining seems worse than death.

That’s why you’ve got this new swipe-in desk much more than a desk. You’ve got a convenient hub of trays. You’ve got gentle low-power sustainable fans and lights for ventilation and an immersive atmosphere. You’ve got an informative screen with menus you can see miles away, plus a huge touchable screen for free fun interactions, like vote your favorite dish.

And, things never get complicated. Swoosh, you swipe through smooth, no queues. You pick up a tray to grab five plates, three bowls, and two cups at a time. The only rule: bring back the tray if you want to take more food. Don’t abandon it in the wild!

When we’re ready, please feel free to interact with the new screens, and please greet our team of amazing and friendly staff like how you greet your family! Dying to dine? Die delighted down the desk!

  • Grab
    • Dying to Dine
  • Problem
    • You’d like your gate to welcome you and block the uninvited
    • Employees are tired & unproductive
    • People might sneak into the cafeteria
    • Atmosphere unwelcome (boring and stuffy and loud)
  • Solution
    • Centralized hub for plates & other dining wares
    • Gentle fans and lights near the top for all directions
    • Interactive touchable screen + informative dynamic screen
  • Opportunity
    • Improve your dining experience NOW as fast as possible
    • More sneak-ins might happen soon when fall semester starts and all people come
  • Competitive advantage
    • Diners feel more welcome
      • More immersive vibe
      • More comfortable dining environment
      • More orderly, efficient and convenient
    • Employees feel more motivated
    • Economic benefits
      • Less sneak-ins → more revenue
      • Higher working efficiency → less cost
  • Model
    • Meal plans
      • Current model of prepaid meals
      • New flexible meal plans since sneak-ins are easier to prevent
    • Taking food
      • Swipe
      • Grab one tray
      • Place plates and bowls and cups on tray
      • Bring back tray to reenter the dining hall
  • Team
    • Current team of amazing & friendly R&DE employees
  • Promise
    • The dining hall will be your second home!
  • Ask
    • Interact with the new installations
    • Greet the employees