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In a simple modern design, this vacation house is centered on the upper floor upon the garage, the main entrance of the house. Upon driving in the guests are welcomed with stunning views through the curtain wall leading to a balcony, which connects to both the master suite and the children’s bedroom. For the most part, the house is designed around the tensions between symmetry and a-symmetry, where is its core shape the house is symmetrical but with each element, as added the choice to maintain or challenge that symmetry, on the micro and macro levels, is made. After going down the central spiral staircase the guests end up in the open lounging/dining areas, which lie opposite to the study and storage areas. A somewhat semicircular couch in the study space acts as a comfortable bed for 2 in the case that more bedding is needed for additional guests. The patio, though simple can become a space for contemplation and is open to iteration with time, including options like a fountain, a fire pit or small play area.