Interview 2

Jun 22, 2021 9:41 PM
Submitted By
Riva Rainier
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • Next door neighbor

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Female
  • Stay at home mom
  • Studied psychology

Key Findings from the Interview

  • When it comes to sustainability
    • What comes to mind when I say sustainability?
    • Maintaining a balance that is good for the environment. It's a give and take, a balance of the two is crucial. Ensuring that future generations can thrive. It is all about balance, like when we traveled to Costa Rica and saw large farms for mass production of palm oil. They were not native and encouraged and surplus in the amount of snakes due to the vine environment. We want to make sure we do not support such things that lead to unbalance in the environment.

    • What do you think are common misconceptions of sustainability?
    • That we need to suddenly change everything in out life. There is a misconception of having to live "the simple life" were we can only eat plants not drive cars. Instead we should mind ways to implement sustainable practice in out daily lives.

    • How can we combat those misconceptions?
    • Education to the general public and teaching from a younger age. It is important that it is tangible to their everyday life. My neighbor explained it is also important to preach what you practice.

    • What are you doing to be more sustainable?
    • We recycle when we can, turn of lights, drive an electrical car, not overuse paper towels, are aware of the products we buy and amount we consume.

    • How can we implement sustainability?
    • We have a fish chart we take when we go to restaurants since over fishing is a large problem. It is important to also promote sustainability in restaurants.