Lainy Ross

  • Glenn, Gabriel, and I finished working on and debugging this Monday, while I met with Glenn several hours ago to resolve one last issue.

I chose to add EUI and Market Value as aspects in considering the best option. EUI was calculated with Roof and Wall energy (roughly), while Market Value was estimated by creating a linear relationship between the cost per sq. ft. of the bottom floor ($750) to the cost per sq. ft. of the top floor ($2500) and then calculated by the square footage of each floor. In the end, I decided that the lowest EUI was going to be the best option, at a base radius of 60 feet and top rotation of 60 degrees. While this is quite a bit more money upfront, over time I believe that it will be a good investment both for saving money overall as well as being much more eco-friendly. As the life span for this building is (hopefully) well over 50 years, the lowest EUI should be chosen.

For the adaptive panels, I modified their appearance based on their directness to the sun.
