DP 1: Prototyping Plan

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Journal Entry For
Prototyping Plan

Prototyping Goals

Why am I creating a prototype?

The type of feedback that will be most helpful for refining and improving my product idea is:

  • Feedback on which option they think is the safest.
  • Feedback on which option they think will be the quickest to use.
  • Potential options I overlooked.

Prototype Features

What product features will I prototyping? And why? What do I hope to learn from testing this feature?

  • The passcode interface is how the user will engage/disengage the locking mechanism, and it is one half of the safety system. I hope to learn what interface users would prefer to use, based off of convenience and level of safety.
  • The lock type is the second half of the safety system. What type is used will determine how securely the bike is held as well as how easily the user can engage it, whether bike or scooter.
  • I would also like to determine the best shape for a bike post, whether a straight post, or the angled variety that the parking lots tend to use here. I want to learn which post type is more space efficient and effective at holding the bike firmly in place.

Prototype Media

How will you prototype and share these features with others to get their feedback?

I plan to draw a more detailed sketch to more properly convey what features I would be changing and what those features would look like. I then want to make a rough prototype of the passcode interface in order to gather feedback on which method would be the most effective, convenient, and intuitive.
