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Journal Entry For
ShambhaviWhat did you observe?
What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
- Most of the users were satisfied with the overall product concept and plan of implementation.
- During the second round of testing, the feedback was more structured and relevant to the nature of the product. This is perhaps because all the users knew what to expect in terms of the outputs and nuances the creator is looking for.
What feedback did your users share after the testing?
What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
- They were happy with the sustainable impact that the product was creating.
- Though, there were certain questions raised by them regarding the shift of the users from the current product choice to the sustainable one.
- Additionally, there was skepticism revolving around why other market players have not yet chosen to make this shift within the realms of their product market.