DP 1: Iteration Plan

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Journal Entry For
Prototyping Plan

Prototyping Goals

Why am I creating a prototype?

The type of feedback that will be most helpful for refining and improving my product idea is:

  • Feedback on which option they think is the most convenient/effective.
  • Feedback on which part was the hardest to understand.
  • Potential ideas I overlooked.

Prototype Features

What product features will I prototyping? And why? What do I hope to learn from testing this feature?

  • The passcode interface is how the user will engage/disengage the locking mechanism as well as what will alert the user if the cable is cut. I want to know what could be difficult to understand about it and what could make it more intuitive and welcoming.
  • The shape of the bike rack is what determines how easily the bike could be locked up and how much space it is going to use. I want to know which type they think will be the easiest to mount the bike.
  • The purpose of this product is to keep bikes safe and alarm others when a bike is likely to be stolen. I want to know what additions I could make to better fulfill that goal.

Prototype Media

How will you prototype and share these features with others to get their feedback?

I plan to draw a detailed sketch to illustrate the general look and purpose of the system. I also plan to modify my previous prototype of the passcode interface to include the suggestions that I had received. I will then use this iterated prototype in conjunction with a borrowed locking cable and the dorm bike racks to show how this system would generally look like fully assembled.
